Monday, March 10, 2008


"Please?" (1st Draft)
Can we please stop this conversationright now, and pretend that it never began?I'll go outside and come back in the houseagain. You can go back to stirring the soupon the stove. Instead of telling you that I think
I'm in love with you, I'll say dinner smells good.
You'll ask me how my day was, and we'll sit down together.
We'll wash the dishes and drift into our evening reading and writing.
You'll stay the night, which is what I intended
in the first place.

Please? (Revised)

Can we just stop.
Pretend that this never began.
I'll go out and come back in again.
You, stir the pot. Add another bay leaf to the soup.
I'll come drop my keys on the table--
say dinner smells good--
You, how was your day?
Have you heard back from Duluth?
We can wash the dishes, drift into the newspaper,
then the ten o'clock news.
We'll set the alarm together and you can read to me
from the yellow backed book of poems
written for people like us.
I'll drowse off until you turn out the light,
fall asleep, then I'll whisper what
started this mess in the first place.

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