Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Poems

For over a week she
worried a hangnail on her
left ring-finger. Slowly
drawing blood and making the
nail bed swollen and painful.
Eventually she couldn't type
or open doors. On Sunday evening
she finally managed to free it.
She began to ice it and when
the swelling went down
she finally answered his question.
* * *

For Once
Sitting in the firelight
she tried to explain her
For once, he only looked
and didn't ask any questions.
* * *

Can we please stop this conversation
right now, and pretend that it never began?
I'll go outside and come back in the house
again. You can go back to stirring the soup
on the stove. Instead of telling you that I think
I'm in love with you, I'll say dinner smells good.
You'll ask me how my day was, and we'll sit down together.
We'll wash the dishes and drift into our evening reading and writing.
You'll stay the night, which is what I intended
in the first place.

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