Saturday, February 9, 2008



Her mother called on a Sunday morning.
She wanted to make sure that she was warm enough
that the car was still turning over,
and that today, at least, she would stay inside.
Then they chatted about spring bulbs,
A Streetcar Named Desire, and snowshoeing.
As they were about to hang up, her mother
asked her if her crocuses were blooming.
It's negative twenty-five degrees here, she replied.
I know, but there was something in the paper today
about how some crocuses in Minnesota
are already beginning to bloom.

* * *
Yesterday's poem about happiness. Krista and a pitcher of grainbelt conspired against me.
* * *
Today's poem: The State of the Economy Louis Jenkins
The State of the Economy
There might be some change on top of the dresser at the back, and we should check the washer and the dryer. Check under the floor mats of the car. The couch cushions. I have some books and CDs I could sell, and there are a couple big bags of aluminum cans in the basement, only trouble is that there isn't enough gas in the car to get around the block. I'm expecting a check sometime next week, which, if we are careful,will get us through to payday. In the meantime with your one—dollar rebate check and a few coins we have enough to walk to the store and buy a quart of milk and a newspaper. On second thought, forget the newspaper.

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